We all want to feel special
It is so important for us to get exclusive attention, affection and love which is not being shared with anyone else. Obviously our loved ones feel the same way. I am a strong believer that it is more joyful to love than to be loved. And love has to be expressed in a way that the receiver appreciates and cherishes.
While we definitely love our near and dear,do we make them feel special? Do we connect individually and exclusively with them, instead of sending them ‘Forwards’ and interacting with them through WhatsApp groups? I may sound old fashioned, but an unexpected phone call just to say “I was thinking of you”, a handwritten note expressing affection, a small gift handed over without occasion, a genuine admiration or appreciation of the person’s qualities or even looks – these build long term close relationships.
Let’s ensure we do it, regularly.
I used to write a lot earlier.
Over a period of time I realized that people are reading less and less, and their attention span to read beyond a few lines has come down drastically.
Researchers have cautioned us that use of technology is significantly reducing our concentration and retention ability. But people are not bothered, for they feel that Google can do the thinking and memorizing for them. People watch dozens of 3 minute videos every day, but find it difficult to read 3 pages from a book. Membership of our library is constantly going down every year even as I adamantly keep adding new books to it. Sometimes when I feel I have something significant to convey, and can put it in the right words too, I refrain because I know that very few will actually read it.
I will be gone sooner or later and the new generation will take over the world. But let them not forget the immortal words of Omar Khayyam…