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Avail Scholarship for DCS 25 now.
Admissions are happening in full Swing!!

Kindly Note: Scholarship for senior teachers with more than 15 years of experience, Helping Hand volunteers, defence personnel and social workers (to join only Team T2)

Call at 9035679801 for more details!

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Are you a sensitive and compassionate person who likes to reach out to people in need?
Do you want to be professionally trained as a Counselor?
Read On...

Here is your opportunity in the form of

One year part time Diploma in Counseling Skills (DCS)

We do not look at your academic qualifications. All that you need is 4 hours of commitment in a week, and a genuine interest to help people emotionally.DCS is an interactive practical program to introspect and improve your quality of life, interpersonal relationships, and to become a competent Professional Counselor. The diploma in counselling psychology includes sufficient Internship and practical experience.Under the tutelage and personal Guidance of Dr. Ali Khwaja, you get a deeper meaning to your life by reaching out to others.


One year part time with no theory

The psychology diploma course is conducted in small batches and sufficient individual interaction is done for personal growth. Convenient batch timings to suit your requirement

Teams: Classes and group interactions are held twice a week as follows:

Team I (T1) Wed & Fridays 10:30 to 12:30

Team III (T3) Sat 3:30- 5:30, Sun 10:30- 12:30

Team IV (T4) Tue & Thu 10:30 am – 12:30pm

Team II (T2) Tue & Thu 4:30 to 6:30 pm

Our course has no Theory and No syllabus. Hence you can learn freely without pressure of exams or memorizing. Evaluation is a continuous process and our core faculty spends time with individual students for their improvement.

We have an elaborate course content which takes you through the Complete Life cycle and covers different stages of life and the practical skills to build better relationships.


Trains you to be a professional counselor


Good Job Prospects


One year part time program with no theory


Open to people from all walks of life


Reputed Guest Faculty members

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Good Job Prospects –

We are very happy and proud to announce that many of our students are well placed offering their services as Counselors. A few of the organizations are

Various Air Force & Military stations, Para-military forces, Mahila Dakshata Samiti,   Makkala Sahaya Vani,   Newspapers in Education, Nightingales Elders Enrichment, Many MNCs, BEL, HAL, Govt. of Maldives, Various reputed NGOs


Army & Air Force Schools, many Special Schools, Delhi Public School, Chrysallis High, Oakridge International, BEL School, Canadian Intl, OASIS, Sindhi, Kumarans, Kendriya Vidyalayas



Christ and Presidency Univ, M S Ramaiah, St. Josephs, Mount Carmel, Dayanand Sagar, Maharani Laxmi Ammanni College


Mclean Hospital, Boston USA, M S Ramaiah Memorial Hospital, People Tree Hospital, Command hospital

Open to people from all walks of life –

Our DCS batch has a wonderful assortment of students from all walks and stages in life. Few of our students who have completed the course with us are from the following Profession / Vocation

Specialist and family doctors, homeopaths, dental surgeons, ayurvedic practitioners, legal professionals, serving and retired military officers, university professors, bankers, therapists, IT professionals, Numerologists, Tarot card readers, Architects, School Teachers and Principals, Senior Govt Officials


….and of course, many from the most honorable profession: Home Makers!

Pg Diploma In Counselling Psychology

Diploma in counselling Skills

This year has been exceptionally bad for many students in terms of exams.

Board exams for lower classes were announced, cancelled, held again, and then results have been withheld.  Those appearing for regular Board exams were told that they can appear three time to improve their scores – but many are feeling the stress of preparing and appearing multiple times for these Boards. Students have been complaining of pressure from their parents, and sometimes even teachers, to continue attempts on the hope that they will get better marks. Students who appeared for K-CET came out very distraught from the examination hall because they found many questions were not from the syllabus, and even now we are getting many phone calls of students who feel they may not score well enough to get into a good college.

The basic degree is only a stepping stone to lifelong learning & growth.  Rather than preparing only for exams, those who have a positive mindset, sharpen soft skills, and learn beyond the curriculum will succeed in the long run. They can sharpen the 10 Life Skills enunciated by United Nations, i.e.  Self-awareness Decision-making, Problem solving, creative and critical thinking, communication skills, interpersonal relationship skills, and empathy.

Learn to Enjoy Stress - By Dr. Ali Khwaja

I can communicate to you for any of the following purposes:

  • To inform
  • To entertain
  • To educate
  • To convince
  • To motivate & inspire
  • To gain control
  • To seek emotional support or catharsis
  • To manipulate

It takes courage and a lot of will-power to go against the tide.  You have taken the first step in the direction of true learning and understanding of children by plunging into CCAD.  Now, as you continue your journey, ask yourself a basic question – what is the purpose of your communication with anyone any time, particularly with children? We have tried to make this a true learning exercise i.e. empowering you to start your journey of further enriching lives.  The effect will seep in slowly, but surely.  No miracles promised or delivered.  But the slow miracle of CCAD will come like the seed hidden below the ground sprouts one fine day, and then goes on growing …. and growing.  But do remember that you need constant practice, like the plant needs watering. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the exercises and activities your Mentor is giving you, just give it your best shot – ali

Ali’s Notes:

There are so many people who you interact with regularly, some on a daily basis.  A few we give great importance to, and many others we take for granted.

If you are a middle-class person you may be having part/full time domestic help at home. Either you are lucky to have reliable continuous employees, or perhaps you have had to change them from time to time.  Either way, how much significance have you given to them as individuals, as humans?

Their experiences, and hence their priorities in life, are so different from ours. Even when we get exasperated sometimes with their behaviour, we need to understand certain issues from their perspective.  Do take time to do that and see if you can understand them better individually.  This will help you too.

We did a survey to understand them, and I presented it on Fb Live which is available on YouTube later also if you wish to watch.