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Classroom Program for Training & making presentations to various members/groups of the society

Fill in and Download Prospectus

CPCS program consists of 13 Classes

– Every Saturday–you will be presenting in class before your class mates, on any topic which you feel necessary and compulsory to work on.

– You can choose the age group for which you want to prepare yourself as a trainer/ presenter

– Various topics will be given to you and the method of presentation will be informed to you a week in advance.

– Regular talks and Demos will be given to you to help you understand the different topics, methodology and the Life Skills connected to it

Uniqueness of the Program is

  • Practical training to make you a confident trainer/public speaker
  • Wide variety of topics to enable you to choose your areas of focus and audience
  • Mentoring with personalized attention

CPCS is open to all adults who may want to sharpen their skills in public speaking, improving communication, training& making presentations to various members/groups of the society.

Demos will be given in class which will help you understand the concept of training and give a personal touch to your learning / training process.

Brief notes on various topics will be sent to you once a week. Your mentor will be available to guide you on the methodology and to give you constructive feedback on your content, techniques, tone, body language etc.

The 10 Life Skills propounded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) are incorporated in our CPCS program.

You will be trained to make presentations  through various styles e.g.: Ice-breakers, Role plays, Story Telling, Solo, Duo& Group presentations, Team work, Games, Puzzles, Questionnaires, appropriate videos, Table top topics, Humour, Involving all participants, PPTs etc.

Each student / small groups will be provided with a Mentor who will be a friend, philosopher and guide to help students clear their doubts, watch the demo presentation, overcome hurdles and ensure smooth progress.

This program is Open to all adults who may be from various walks of life who are concerned and understand the importance and impact of the art of speakingpresenting & imparting it for growth, challenges and smooth development through their training sessions.

What you need is the right attitude to strictly follow the guidelines of the course and the Academy, and a sincere commitment to understand human beings.

Fill in the form below to download the prospectus

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child counselling courses in india

I look around and see that people are hardly stepping out of their houses – restaurants have more Swiggy delivery agents, Malls seem to be empty, meetings and seminars have become on-line.

The after-effects of Covid have truly become the new normal and face-to-face interaction is reducing consistently. People prefer to be in their cocoons and social interaction at personal level has reduced.

Visiting friends, going to the street corner for pani-puri, watching movies in a cinema theater, shopping for daily needs, or just taking a walk in the park, have become less and less.

Please keep aside your mobiles and revive the human touch once again, feel the warmth and sense of belonging.

Alternatives to engineering

Since the demand for engineering is steadily going down with the proliferation of hundreds of engineering colleges all over the country, it may be prudent on the part of school and PUC students to explore wider instead of blindly into engineering.  Parents also need to become aware that they have to help their wards plan for the next half century, and having a slightly visionary outlook can ensure that the student gets into a promising and rewarding career.

There are many more professional courses that can be considered, which are likely to do well for a long time to come. Explore, find out details, talk to knowledgeable people, and then take your final decision. Some of the other professional courses are:

  • 5-year Law course offered by the National Law Schools and other reputed Law Colleges
  • 3 and 4 year paramedical courses in Speech & Audiology, Renal Dialysis, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Pharmacy, etc.
  • 4-year Bachelor of Hotel Management, or Travel and Tourism
  • 4-year courses in Agricultural Sciences, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry etc. offered by Universities of Agricultural Sciences
  • 5-year Bachelor of Architecture (admission through NATA test)
  • 3 and 4 year courses in general or specialized areas of design
  • Integrated 4 and 5 year courses in Pure Sciences

Since the time the New Year started, I have been reflecting over how we keep changing and evolving, how we do not even realize how different we are from what we were earlier.

I strongly believe that we should enjoy the journey, and not give too much significance to the destination. Years change, relationships change, and our priorities change.  If you keep celebrating each day and event, you will never face monotony or boredom.  You will always have good memories, and excitement of the future.